About Us
Leadership Team
Charles Waldecker
President / Treasurer
Charles has been the treasurer of PHL and a member of the board since 2005 and is committed to advancing the mission of PHL, recognizing the importance of every life. He is an active member of Knights of Columbus and is presently the Grand Knight of Mater Dei Council #4129 in Newtown Square and the Color Corp Commander for the Fr. Kapaun Assembly #3274 in Paoli. He is a long time parishioner and usher at St. Pius X in Broomall. Charlie is a CPA and tax advisor at Siana Carr O’Connor & Lynam LLP. A graduate of Cardinal O’Hara High School, he received his bachelor’s degree from St. Joseph’s University, earned a J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law (Camden) and an LL.M. (Taxation) from Temple University School of Law.
Dr. Denise Wilcox
Vice President / Secretary
Dr. Denise T Wilcox is the director to the National Right to Life Commitee from PA and serves on the Board of the PA Pro Life Federation representing the 5-county area of Southeatern Pennsylvania. She has been active in pro-life work since she was a student at West Virgina University and served as the president of West Virgina Students for Life. Dr. Wilcox has PH.D in anatomy and is a practicing optometrist.
Mary Ellen Devlin
Office Manager
Mary Ellen began her involvement with PHL as a student with LaSalle University’s Pro-Life Committee and went from school presenter to Program Director from 1987 to 1994. After her first child, Mary Ellen stepped down as Director but continued as an education volunteer and working with PHL’s events. She and her family support PHL’s longstanding mission of education as the most permanent means to changing hearts and minds with the truth. She and her husband Robert have four children and reside in Ambler, PA.
Educational Advisory Board Members

Maria Parker

Joseph P. Aquilante
“I highly recommend the program presented by the Pennsylvanians for Human Life. Each year, competent presenters come in and share the beauty and respect for the human person from the moment of conception with our upper grade students. Our students actually see models of the growth of a baby from the time of conception and realize how precious a human life is. The teachings of the Church on pro-life and abortion are presented in a very understandable manner for our students. Our students respond so positively to this program. I feel the program is a blessing and a must for every student in the upper grades!
Sister Barbara Montague, IHM, Principal, St. Cyril of Alexandria School
“Pennsylvanians for Human Life is a worthwhile program for middle school age students. It stresses the irreplaceable value and uniqueness of each human life. It explains the current laws in PA and the country regarding abortion. Surrounded by a culture of death in our country, students are offered a beacon of light that focuses on the importance of lie from the very first moments of conception. I highly recommend this program for your middle school aged students.”
Mrs. MaryAnne Aurely, St. Titus School, East Norriton, PA
“The presentation was wonderfully organized – the 7th & 8th grade students were completely captivated as the slides were shown and discussed at an age-appropriate level. Every student commented on how much they enjoyed such an informative and important presentation. I strongly recommend having Pennsylvanians for Human Life representatives visit other schools to share the message.”
Ms. Susan Macrone, Middle School Educator, St. Joseph/St. Robert School
“I thought the presentation was phenomenal! It is so important for all pre-teens and teens to hear the beautiful message of Pennsylvanians for Human Life, as well as the staggering (and shocking) statistics regarding abortion. I couldn’t wait to go home and talk about it with my parents.”
James, 7th grade