by Web Administrator | May 19, 2023 | PHL In The Community
This week was a great milestone in our mission of creating a culture of life and love through education and formation.On Tuesday, we presented to Bishop Shanahan High School junior theology classes about God’s unconditional love and healing after abortion. All...
by Web Administrator | Apr 17, 2023 | Gender
I just watched this on YouTube by Abigail Shrier. She has a JD from Yale, A Philosophy Degree from Oxford, speaks to the issues of Censorship relating to the contemporary Transgender Movement while touching on themes from her book; “Irreversible Damage; The...
by Web Administrator | Apr 2, 2023 | Theology of the Body
I was privileged to participate in amazing program for high school boys, sponsored by St Peter’s Respect Life Committee and held at St Mary of Providence Retreat Center this past weekend. Thank you to Father DeLacy, Father O’Brien and Brendan McCauley for...
by Web Administrator | Mar 29, 2023 | Abortion Recovery
I recently saw this heart-breaking video on YouTube, and thought I would share it with you. Too often women who are contemplating abortion are told what to do or what to feel , rather than being given real information and the loving support they need. Recovery for...
by Web Administrator | Mar 28, 2023 | Theology of the Body
I can’t wait for the 5th wave where men are men & women are women. Where we love and complement each other rather than competing and attacking each other. 1/This is part of the culture shift @default_friend has been tracking. The poinit this: for most people free...
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