Bishop Shanahan and Father Judge Visits

Catagory: PHL In The Community

Written by Web Administrator

May 19, 2023

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This week was a great milestone in our mission of creating a culture of life and love through education and formation.
On Tuesday, we presented to Bishop Shanahan High School junior theology classes about God’s unconditional love and healing after abortion. All students had the chance to take home some pro-life swag and cupcakes during their lunch periods. 
At Shanahan, a student approached me after a presentation. She said, “Mr. DeMaio, my boyfriend and I were already planning what we were going to do this weekend while my parents were away, and now we are not going to do it. Now, I know that God sent you here to me to hear from you today. Thank you so much for sharing your story.”

On Wednesday, 7 of our tremendous speakers visited 25 different classes throughout the school day at Father Judge High School. We conversed with every student at Father Judge- over 700 young men!
At Bishop Shanahan and Father Judge, students learned and engaged in conversations involving dating, healthy relationships, sexuality, theology of the body, bioethics, and apologetics. Some of our speakers even shared their personal pro-life testimonies!
We extend a huge “thank you” to these fantastic schools for having us! We look forward to visiting Shanahan and Father Judge again in the near future!
“Love follows knowledge.”- Saint Thomas Aquinas

Please consider being a monthly donor to Pennsylvanians for Human Life. Donations can be processed on our website: 
God Bless!

Pete DeMaio

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