Get Involved
Become A PHL School!
Join the many schools in Delaware Valley that have hosted PHL and invite us to come to your school. PHL presentations are age-appropriate, suitable for elementary and high school students and offered in a 40 to 50-minute class period! To learn more about each presentation, click here!
Please click here to have a PHL speaker come to your school!
Volunteer! There Are So Many Ways to Lend a Helping Hand
Our volunteer speakers are the face and voice of PHL to our school community. It is critical to PHL’s success that you share in the mission, desire to teach others and have a passion for youth. We welcome your interest, will provide training and have the opportunity to observe experienced speakers in a classroom environment. Speakers are scheduled based on their preference of age group, knowledge of subject and availability. Monday through Friday, school hour availability is a requirement. Please submit your interest and our Executive Director will be in touch. Any questions, please call 610-696-0780 or email

Ready To Get Involved?
If you have questions, or would like to learn more about anything on our website, please get in touch! We’d be happy to hear from you.
Pennsylvanians for Human Life
590 Snyder Avenue, Suite 201
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382
Phone: 610.696.0780